

Auteur(s)Carpenters (The) (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)Collected / The Carpenters.

Editeur(s)Universal, P 2013.

ContientTicket to ride. - Close to you. - We've only just begun. - For all we know. - Rainy days and mondays. - Superstar. - Bless the beasts and children. - Hurting each other. - It's going to take some time. - Goodbye to love. - Top of the world. - I won't last a day without you. - Sing. - Yesterday once more. - This masquerade. - Jambalaya. - Please Mr Postman. - Desperado. - Only yesterday. - Solitaire. - There's a kind of hush. - I need to be in love. - Goofus. - All you get from love is a love song. - Calling occupants of interplanetary craft. - Sweet sweet smile. - I believe you. - Touch me when we're dancing. - Back in my life again. - Those good old dreams. - Beechwood 4-5789. - Now. - Make believe it's your first time. - Tryin' to get the feeling again. - Lovelines. - If i had you. - Still crazy after all these years. - When time was all we had. - Calling your name again. - Sandy. - Karen's theme.

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Chaudefonds-sur-LayonAdulteMusique9.852 CARDisponibleEmpruntable


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