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The pink years albums 1970-1973

Auteur(s)Tangerine Dream (Ens. instrumental)

Titre(s)The pink years albums 1970-1973 / Tangerine Dream.

Editeur(s)France : Socadisc, C 2021.

ContientGenesis. - Journey through a burning brain. - Cold smoke. - Ashes to ashes. - Resurrection. - Sunrise in the third system. - Fly and collision of comas sola. - Alpha centauri. - First movement. - Birth of liquid plejades. - Second movement. - Nebulous dawn. - Third movement. - Origin of supernatural probabilities. - Forth movement: Zeit. - Atem. - Fauni-gena. - Circulation of events. - Wahn.


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BibliothèqueSectionLocalisationCoteSituationStatutDate retour
Chaudefonds-sur-LayonAdulteMusique4 TANSortiEmpruntable22/06/2024


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Source : Last FM


Source : Wikipédia
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