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The Phenomenon

Auteur(s)Roussos, Demis (1946-2015) (Artiste de spectacle) ;Aphrodite's Child

Titre(s)The Phenomenon : 1968-1998 / Demis Roussos.

Editeur(s)Universal, P 1998.

ContientRain and tears. - I want to live. - Marie Jolie. - It's five o'clock. - Spring summer winter and fall. - Such a funny night. - We shall dance. - No way out. - My reason. - Forever and ever. - Velvet mornings. - Goodbye my love goodbye. - My friend the wind. - Schönes mädschen aus Arcadia. - Someday somewhere. - My only fascination. - Auf Wiederseh'n. - With you. - When forever has gone. - From souvenirs to souvenirs. - Perdoname. - Happy to be on an island in the sun. - Kyrila. - Mourir auprès de mon amour. - Life in the city. - Loin des yeux, loin du coeur. - Lost in love. - Race to the end. - Lament. - Follow me. - Island of love. - Summer in her eyes. - Ave Maria. - Quand je t'aime. - Time. - On écrit sur les murs. - Eleni. - La Mer. - Santa Lucia. - Bella notte.

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Chaudefonds-sur-LayonAdulteMusique9.562 ROU 3DisponibleEmpruntable


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