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Jah is real

Auteur(s)Burning Spear (1945-...) (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)Jah is real / Burning Spear.

Editeur(s)Burning Music Production, P 2008.

ContientThe Cruise. - Step it. - You were wrong. - Run for your life. - Jah is real. - People in high places. - One africa. - Grandfather. - Wickedness. - Stick to the plan. - No compromise. - 700 strong. - Grassroot. - Step it : remix.

NotesTexte des chansons.

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BibliothèqueSectionLocalisationCoteSituationStatutDate retour
Rochefort-sur-LoireAdulteMusique1.6 BUR 3SortiEmpruntable25/06/2024


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Source : Last FM


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