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Shulie a bop

Auteur(s)Vaughan, Sarah (1924-1990) (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)Shulie a bop / Sarah Vaughan.

Editeur(s)Saga, P 2005.

ContientShulie a bop. - Lover man. - Interlude. - Mean to me. - It might as well be spring. - Ain't misbehavin'. - Goodnight, my love. - Can't get out of this mood. - East of the sun. - Nice work if you can get it. - Come rain or come shine. - Polka dots and moonbeams. - You hit the spot. - Prelude to a kiss. - If I knew then. - Body and soul. - They can't take that away from me. - I cried for you. - Perdido. - The Nearness of you. - Ooh what-cha doin' to me. - It's easy to remember. - My funny Valentine. - My one and only love.

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BibliothèqueSectionLocalisationCoteSituationStatutDate retour
BLA/VauchrétienAdulteMusique1.3 VAU 41DisponibleEmpruntable


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