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A Victim of stars

Auteur(s)Sylvian, David (Artiste de spectacle)

Titre(s)A Victim of stars : 1982-2012 / David Sylvian.

Editeur(s)EMI : Virgin, P 2012.

ContientGhosts. - Bamboo houses. - Bamboo music. - Forbidden colours. - Red guitar. - The Ink in the well. - Pulling punches. - Taking the veil. - Silver moon. - Let the happiness in. - Orpheus. - Waterfront. - Pop song. - Blackwater. - Every colour you are. - Heartbeat. - Jean the birdman. - Alphabet angel. - I surrender. - Darkest dreaming. - A fire in the forest. - The Only daughter. - Late night shopping. - Wonderful world. - The Banality of evil. - Darkest birds. - Snow White in Appalachia. - Small metal gods. - I should not dare. - Manafon. - Where's your gravity.

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Chaudefonds-sur-LayonAdulteMusique2 SYL 7DisponibleEmpruntable


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