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The Introduction to living country blues USA

Auteur(s)Guitar Frank ;Piano Red (1911-1985) ;Molton, Flora ;Murrell, Lottie ;Chatmon, Sam ;Thomas, James ;Jones, Cleveland'Broomman' ;Nixon, Hammie ;Fluker, Cora ;Bell, Ola Mae ;Brown, Walter ;Edwards, Archie ;Cephas, John ;Wiggins, Phil ;Pitchford, Lonnie ;Shields, Sam ;Savage, Joe ;Youngblood, Arzo ;Davis, Cedell ;Turner, Othar ;Guitar Slim (1926-1959) ;Rivers, Boyd (1925-1993) ;Webb, Boogie Bill ;Truth Band (The) ;Rising Star Fife (The) ;Drum Band

Titre(s)The Introduction to living country blues USA / Guitar Frank / Piano Red / Flora Molton / Lottie Murrell / Sam Chatmon / James Thomas / Cleveland'Broomman' Jones / Hammie Nixon / Cora Fluker / Ola Mae Bell.

Editeur(s)Francfort-sur-le-Main : Bellaphon, P 2008.

ContientLonesome road blues / Guitar Frank. - The Train is comin' / Memphis Piano Red. - What's the matter now / Flora Molton & The Truth Band. - Trouble late late night / Lottie Murrell. - Sittin' on top of the world / Sam Chatmon. - Rock me, mama / James "Son" Thomas & Cleveland'Broomman' Jones. - Corinna, Corinna / Hammie Nixon. - Talkin' bout Jesus / Cora Fluker & Ola Mae Bell. - So hard to see / Walter Brown. - Bear cat mama blues / Archie Edwards. - Reno factory / John Cephas & Phil Wiggins. - My babe / Lonnie Pitchford. - Bluebird blues / Sam Shields. - The Titanic / Flora Molton & The Truth Band. - Mean old' Frisco / Joe Savage. - I can't be successful / Arzo Youngblood. - I don't know why / Cedell Davis. - Tango twist / Othar Turner & The Rising Star Fife & Drum Band. - Come on in my kitchen / Guitar Slim. - Lula's back in town / Guitar Slim. - You got to move / Boyd Rivers. - Big road blues / Boogie Bill Webb.

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BibliothèqueSectionLocalisationCoteSituationStatutDate retour
Rochefort-sur-LoireAdulteMusique1.10 LIVSortiEmpruntable04/10/2024


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